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Cardiff Blues in Bloemfontein
Vodacom Cheetahs


Seven international players, including the British Lions Centre, Jamie Roberts, and nine junior international players are included in the Cardiff Blues squad that will play against the Toyota Free State on the 4th of August at Grey College.  South African born loose forward, Andries Pretorius, who is earmarked as a future Wales’ international, are also included in the touring squad. 

The match was arranged to commemorate the 200th birthday of Sir George Grey, founder of Grey College.    


Forwards: Andi Kyriacou, Andries Pretorius, Benoit Bourrust, Jake Cooper-Woolley, James Down, Josh Navidi, Lou Reed, Macauley Cook, Marc Breeze, Nathan Trevett, Robin Copeland, Rory Watts-Jones, Scott Andrews, Thomas Young.

Backs:  Ceri Sweeney, Chris Czekaj, Dafydd Hewitt, Dan Fish, Gareth Davies, Gavin Evans, Jamie Roberts, Jason Tovey, Lewis Jones, Owen Williams, Rhys Patchell, Robert Lewis, Tom James.


Cardiff Blues squad profiles:


Senior International players

Age Grade & 7s International players


Jamie Roberts - 2008 - 44 caps + Lions 09                    

Scott Andrews - Wales 20s captain 2009  - JWC

Lou Reed - 2011 -2012 - 1 cap                                          

Macaulay Cooke - Wales 20s captain 2011 - JWC 

Tom James - 2007 - 10 caps                                               

Josh Navidi - Wales 20s captain 2010   -  JWC

Chris Czekaj - 2005 - 9 caps                                              

Dan Fish - Wales 20s - JWC -Argentina - 2010

Scott Andrews - 2010 -2011 - 2 caps                                

Jason Tovey - Wales Senior World Cup Squad

Gavin Evans - 2006 - 1 cap                                                  

Beniot Bourrustt - France 20s - 2007

Ceri Sweeney  2003 - 35 caps                                            

Gareth Davies - Wales senior World CUP 7S Squad


Owen Williams - Wales 20s -JWC -Argentina - 2010



Dafydd Hewiit - Wales 7s World Cup Winner




 Coaching Staff 

  •      Phil Davies -  Blues Director of Rugby - Wales 85-96 - 46 Caps 
  •      Gareth Baber -Blues Attack Coach -  Wales 7s Coach 2007/08
  •      Xavier Rush - Blues Defence Coach - New Zealand All Blacks - 8 Caps

According to the tour promoter Willem Strauss, spectators can look forward to a great contest between Heineken Cup quarter finalists, Cardiff Blues and the Toyota Free State Cheetahs.  “Though  it is still early in the season for the Cardiff Blues, the boys form Wales are, like the Toyota Free State Cheetahs,  known for their for their attractive style of rugby and this promises to be a great spectacle – definitely a match not to be missed.” 




“We are all looking forward to the trip and feel very humbled and honored to be part of such a prestigious occasion” said Phil Davies, Cardiff Blues director of rugby.


"It brings great joy to us to be hosting this special game during this year when we celebrate the 200th anniversary of our founder, Sir George Grey’ birthday,” said Mr. Johan Volsteedt, Principal of Grey College.


Mr. Harold Verster, Managing Director of the Free State Cheetahs (Pty) Ltd. is excited about the prospects of the game and said:  “This is a wonderful opportunity to pay respect to Grey College for their huge contribution to rugby in the Free State and South Africa and for bringing international rugby to Bloemfontein.”


In one of the main curtain raisers of the day, Grey's first team will be in action against their peers form Kearsney College in Kwa-Zulu Natal. In other matches Toyota Free State Cheetahs u.21 will play against the Border u.21 team and the Toyota Free State Cheetahs u.19 will take on SWD’s u19's team. Grey's u.13 team will be playing against an u.13 Invitation team. 


The program for the day is as follows:


09:15     Grey College u.13 vs. Free State Invitational Team

10:05     Toyota Free State Cheetahs u.19 vs. SWD u.19

11:35     Toyota Free State Cheetahs u.21 vs. Border u.21

13:15     Grey Kollege vs. Kearsney Kollege

15:00     Toyota Free State Cheetahs vs. Cardiff Blues


Tickets for the game are R60 for adults and R20 for scholars and student are available at the ticket office at Free State Stadium as well as the Reunie Office at Grey College. 


Golf Day – 2 August


A special golf day will be hosted as part of the celebrations.  The format for the day is a BBS-competition.  Cardiff Blues- and Toyota Free State Cheetahs players will take part in the day.  The price for a four ball is R2 500.  Included is a golf shirt, halfway house, refreshments and a meal.


Gala Function – 3 Augustus


Grey College Reunie will also be hosting a gala function on Friday, 3 August at 18:30 in the Grey College Centenary Hall.  Special guests for the evening include the Cardiff Blues- and Toyota Free State Cheetah players, the IRB's Player of the Millennium, Gareth Edwards as well as Morne du Plessis. Tables are R3 500 which includes a meal.


Contact the Grey College Reunie office at 051 444 5799, oldboys@greycollege.com  or Rentia Nell at 083 308 4244 / rentia@fsrugby.co.za  for more information or reservations.



Cardiff Blues in Bloemfontein


Sewe internasionale spelers, insluitend die senter van die Britse Leeus, Jamie Roberts, en nege junior internasionale spelers is ingesluit in die Cardiff Blues se groep wat op 4 Augustus teen die Toyota Vrystaat Cheetahs op die 4de Augustus by Grey Kollege speel.  ‘n Suid-Afrikaner, Andries Pretorius, wat geoormerk is om vir Wallis te speel, is ook ingesluit in die toergroep. 


Die wedstryd word aangebied om die 200ste geboortedag van Sir George Grey, stigter van Grey Kollege te vier. 


Voorry: Andi Kyriacou, Andries Pretorius, Benoit Bourrust, Jake Cooper-Woolley, James Down, Josh Navidi, Lou Reed, Macauley Cook, Marc Breeze, Nathan Trevett, Robin Copeland, Rory Watts-Jones, Scott Andrews, Thomas Young.

Agter Spelers:  Ceri Sweeney, Chris Czekaj, Dafydd Hewitt, Dan Fish, Gareth Davies, Gavin Evans, Jamie Roberts, Jason Tovey, Lewis Jones, Owen Williams, Rhys Patchell, Robert Lewis, Tom James.


Profiele van die Cardiff Blues groep:


Senior Internasionale spelers



Jamie Roberts - 2008 - 44 wedstryde + Lions 09                    

Scott Andrews - Walis 20s Kaptein 2009  - JWC

Lou Reed - 2011 -2012 - 1 wedstryd                                        

Macaulay Cooke - Wallis 20s kaptein 2011 - JWC 

Tom James - 2007 - 10 wedstryde                                         

Josh Navidi - Wallis 20s kaptein 2010   -  JWC

Chris Czekaj - 2005 - 9 wedstryde                                       

Dan Fish – Wallis 20s - JWC ArgentiniĂ« - 2010

Scott Andrews - 2010 -2011 - 2 wedstryde                           

Jason Tovey - Wallis Senior WĂȘreldbeker groep

Gavin Evans - 2006 - 1 wedstryd                                         

Beniot Bourrustt - Frankryk 20s - 2007

Ceri Sweeney  2003 - 35 wedstryde                                         

Gareth Davies – Wallis Senior WĂȘreldbeker  7S groep


Owen Williams - Wales 20s -JWC Argentinië - 2010



Dafydd Hewiit - Wales 7s WĂȘreldbeker wenner





  •      Phil Davies -  Cardiff Blues Direkteur van Rugby - Wallis 85-96 - 46 wedstryde
  •      Gareth Baber –Cardiff Blues Aanvalsafrigter -  Wallis 7s Afrigter 2007/08
  •      Xavier Rush – Cardiff Blues Verdedigingsafrigter - New Sealand,  All Blacks - 8 wedstryde


Volgens die promotor van die toer Willem Strauss, kan ondersteuners uitsien na ‘n groot wedstryd tussen die Heineken-beker kwarteindrondte finaliste, die Cardiff Blues en die Toyota Vrystaat Cheetahs.  “Al is dit vroeg in die seisoen vir die Cardiff Blues, is die manne van Wallis, soos die Toyota Vrystaat Cheetahs, bekend vir die aanskoulike rugby wat hulle speel en dit beloof om regtig mooi rugby te wees – beslis nie ‘n wedstryd om te mis nie!”


“ Ons sien uit daarna om op hierdie toer te gaan en voel nederig en geĂ«erd om deel te wees van hierdie spesiale geleentheid” het Phil Davies, Cardiff Blues se Direkteur van Rugby gesĂȘ. 


“Dit is vir die Grey Kollege ‘n groot vreugde om in die jaar van die 200ste geboortedag herdenking van ons stigter, Sir George Grey, so ‘n spesiale wedstryd aan te bied. “  het mnr. Johan Volsteedt, Skoolhoof van Grey Kollege gesĂȘ. 


 In die vernaamste voorwedstryd sal Grey Kollege se eerste span in aksie wees teen hul eweknie Kearsney Kollege van KwaZulu Natal.  In ander voorwedstryde speel die Toyota Vrystaat Cheetahs o.21 teen Grens se o.21 span en die Toyota Vrystaat Cheetahs o.19 teen SWD se o.19 span.  Grey Kollege se o.13 span sal ook met ‘n o.13 Uitnodigingspan kragte meet.


Die program vir die dag lyk soos volg:


09:15     Grey Kollege o.13 vs. Vrystaat Uitnodigingspan

10:05     Toyota Vrystaat Cheetahs o.19 vs. SWD o.19

11:35     Toyota Vrystaat Cheetahs o.21 vs. Grens o.21

13:15     Grey Kollege vs. Kearsney Kollege

15:00     Toyota Vrystaat Cheetahs vs Cardiff Blues


 Kaartjies vir die wedstryd beloop R60 vir volwassenes en R20 vir skoliere en studente en is beskikbaar by die kaartjiekantoor in Vrystaat Stadion asook by Grey Kollege se Reunie kantoor.


Gholfdag – 2 Augustus


As deel van die feesvieringe word daar op Donderdag, 2 Augustus ‘n groot gholfdag aangebied.  Die formaat van die dag is ‘n BBS-kompetisie en verskeie van die Cardiff Blues en Toyota Vrystaat Cheetah spelers sal deelneem.   4 Balle is te koop teen R2 500 elk wat ‘n gholfhemp, halfweghuis, verversings en ‘n ete insluit. 


Gala Funksie – 3 Augustus


Grey Kollege Reunie bied ‘n Gala funksie aan op Vrydag, 3 Augustus om 18:30  in die Grey Kollege Eeufees Saal.  Spesiale gaste vir die aand is die Cardiff Blues- en Toyota Vrystaat Cheetah spelers asook die IRB se Speler van die Millenium, Gareth Edwards en Morne du Plessis.  Tafels is te koop teen R3 500.00 per tafel wat ‘n ete insluit. 


Belangstellendes kan die Grey Kollege Reunie kantoor kontak by 051 444 5799, oldboys@greycollege.com /of vir Rentia Nell by 083 308 4244 / rentia@fsrugby.co.za
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